Ever After High

Season 42013

The students of all the fairytale characters attend Ever After High, where they are either Royals (students who want to follow in their parent's footsteps) or Rebels (students who wish to write their own destiny).

15 Episodes

    E01 Stark Raven Mad

    Apple White is royally ready for Legacy Day! But her world -- and the entire world of Ever After High - will be flipped on its crown if Raven Queen questions her destiny instead of pledging it. Can Apple save her Happily Ever After from becoming a Happily NEVER After?

    June 18, 2013

    E02 True Reflections

    Mirror, mirror tell me true -- can Apple and Raven find another mirror like you? While Apple usually knows her mirror's answers, she's throne for a loop after Raven's magical aim interferes with her reflection.

    July 2, 2013

    E03 Maddie-in-Chief

    Madeline Hatter decides to go off script and run against Apple White™ in the Royal Student Council Election. Will Maddie's riddlish-filled debate win over the other students, or is she putting the cup before the kettle?

    July 16, 2013

    E04 Briar's Study Party

    Professor Rumplestilskin's plan of failing all the students may have worked in the past, but he may have met his match with Briar Beauty. She HAS been studying Forever After, you know. Now, if she can only keep her eyes open long enough to help the other students...

    July 30, 2013

    E05 Here Comes Cupid

    She may be the new girl at Ever After High, but C.A. Cupid could teach a class in helping people find love. Lucky for Hopper, she may have arrived just in time to help him find his Happily Ever After.

    August 13, 2013

    E06 The Shoe Must Go On

    With less than an hour to set up the display for her new shoes in the Glass Slipper Shoe Store, Ashlynn Ella turns to her friends 'til THE END for help. But with Blondie trying to make everything 'just right', and Briar falling asleep, this display may turn out to be a total fairy fail.

    August 27, 2013

    E07 The Cat Who Cried Wolf

    Cerise Hood has successfully kept her family secret hidden under lock and key. But when Kitty Ceshire catches her up to some unusual activity in the woods, she tries to unravel her secret like a ball of yarn in front of the school.

    September 10, 2013

    E08 Cedar Wood Would Love to Lie

    When Professor Jack B. Nimble gives the class an assignment to create their own tall tales, Cedar Wood knows her curse of never being able to tell a lie could get in her way. Unfortunately for Huntlynn, Cedar comes across a secret picnic and finds the perfect story to tell her class.

    September 25, 2013

    E09 Catching Raven

    C.A. Cupid's heart may be for Dexter Charming, but she happily offers guidance when he needs help asking out Raven Queen to Briar's party. Can this shy prince find the courage to charm her?

    October 29, 2013

    E10 The Day Ever After

    Legacy Day may have come and gone, but Raven's decision to choose her own destiny has throne the Royals for a wicked loop. Will the two groups ever see crown to crown?

    December 10, 2013

    E11 Replacing Raven

    With the help of Maddie, Raven decides to go off script to find a new storybook nemesis for Apple. Her search is shorter than expected when an evil classmate steps up to blow the house down. Dun, dun, dun!

    December 17, 2013

    E12 Episode 12

    December 24, 2013

    E13 Episode 13

    December 31, 2013

    E14 Episode 14

    January 7, 2014

    E15 Episode 15

    January 14, 2014