Mercy Street
Follows the lives of two volunteer nurses on opposing sides of the Civil War - New England abolitionist Mary Phinney and Confederate supporter Emma Green. Based on true stories and set in a Union hospital in the occupied Confederate city of Alexandria, viewers are taken beyond the battlefield and into the lives of Americans on the Civil War home front as they face the unprecedented challenges of one of the most turbulent times in our nation’s history.
Follows the lives of two volunteer nurses on opposing sides of the Civil War - New England abolitionist Mary Phinney and Confederate supporter Emma Green. Based on true stories and set in a Union hospital in the occupied Confederate city of Alexandria, viewers are taken beyond the battlefield and into the lives of Americans on the Civil War home front as they face the unprecedented challenges of one of the most turbulent times in our nation’s history.
Josh Radnor
Dr. Jed Foster
Mary Elizabeth Winstead
Mary Phinney
McKinley Belcher III
Samuel Diggs
Hannah James
Emma Green
Tara Summers
Anne Hastings
Norbert Leo Butz
Dr. Byron Hale
AnnaSophia Robb
Alice Green
Shalita Grant
Aurelia Johnson
L. Scott Caldwell
Belinda Gibson
Luke Macfarlane
Chaplain Henry Hopkins
Peter Gerety
Dr. Alfred Summers
Jack Falahee
Frank Stringfellow
Donna Murphy
Jane Green
Brad Koed
James Green, Jr.
Gary Cole
James Green, Sr.
Suzanne Bertish
Matron Brannan
Wade Williams
Silas Bullen
Cameron Monaghan
Tom Fairfax
Emily Marie Palmer
Sister Isabella