Yuu Haruna, a loner and an avid Twitter user, has just transferred to a new school in Tokyo. He ends up befriending a unique high school girl named Fuuka Akitsuki, despite some initial conflict, and the two wind up forming a band together with their classmates. Their relationship becomes strained however when Koyuki Hinashi, Yuu's childhood friend who has become a popular idol, contacts Yuu on Twitter and attempts to rekindle long lost feelings.
Yuu Haruna, a loner and an avid Twitter user, has just transferred to a new school in Tokyo. He ends up befriending a unique high school girl named Fuuka Akitsuki, despite some initial conflict, and the two wind up forming a band together with their classmates. Their relationship becomes strained however when Koyuki Hinashi, Yuu's childhood friend who has become a popular idol, contacts Yuu on Twitter and attempts to rekindle long lost feelings.
Chivalry of a Failed Knight
7.0Remake Our Life!
7.2I'm Quitting Heroing
7.3Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya
6.0Sweet Blue Flowers
7.5Danganronpa: The Animation
7.8Attack on Titan: Junior High
7.8My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU
8.3Classroom of the Elite
8.5Cyberpunk: Edgerunners
8.5Money Heist
8.2The Mandalorian
8.4Stranger Things
8.6Attack on Titan
8.7Black Mirror
8.3The Seven Deadly Sins
8.4Breaking Bad
8.9Game of Thrones