Robot Girls Z
The story revolves around a new team of "Toei robot girls" named "Team Z" that is made up of three girls based on Toei's Mazinger Z franchise: Mazinger Z, Great Mazinger, and UFO Robot Grendizer. Usually they perform in activities around Nerima ward in Tokyo to raise the awareness of the promising future energy source "Photon Power" (koushiryoku). However, there are times when "Mechanical Beast" team of girls emerge from the "Subterranean Empire" and attempt to steal the energy. Thus "Team Z" has to battle them to prevent this, though sometimes they just go and beat up the "bad girls" to relieve stress.
The story revolves around a new team of "Toei robot girls" named "Team Z" that is made up of three girls based on Toei's Mazinger Z franchise: Mazinger Z, Great Mazinger, and UFO Robot Grendizer. Usually they perform in activities around Nerima ward in Tokyo to raise the awareness of the promising future energy source "Photon Power" (koushiryoku). However, there are times when "Mechanical Beast" team of girls emerge from the "Subterranean Empire" and attempt to steal the energy. Thus "Team Z" has to battle them to prevent this, though sometimes they just go and beat up the "bad girls" to relieve stress.
I Am Not an Animal
8.6Top Chef VIP
8.6LOL: Last One Laughing Quebec
8.5Postcards from Buster
8.6The Royal Swordsmen
8.0Sake on the Rails with Seiji Rokkaku
8.3Haters Gonna Stay
8.0Virtual Hero: La Serie
8.3The ReidOut with Joy Reid
5.8The Ancient Magus' Bride: Those Awaiting a Star
7.5Indian Predator: The Butcher of Delhi
6.0My ID is Gangnam Beauty
7.2On Thin Ice: Putin v Greenpeace
7.0Never Give Up
8.4Tokyo Shower
3.6Big Dragon