Battle Girl High School
Set in the year 2045. The world has been contaminated by Irousu (mysterious invaders who suddenly appeared), and humans find themselves restricted and contained. Standing boldly against these invaders are ordinary girls everywhere, without a powerful army or even weapons.
Set in the year 2045. The world has been contaminated by Irousu (mysterious invaders who suddenly appeared), and humans find themselves restricted and contained. Standing boldly against these invaders are ordinary girls everywhere, without a powerful army or even weapons.
Aya Suzaki
星月みき (voice)
Ayane Sakura
若葉昴 (voice)
Sora Amamiya
成海遥香 (voice)
Nao Toyama
天野望 (voice)
Sumire Uesaka
火向井ゆり (voice)
Saori Hayami
常磐くるみ (voice)
Kaede Hondo
煌上花音 (voice)
Shino Shimoji
国枝詩穂 (voice)
Yumi Uchiyama
粒咲あんこ (voice)
Yoshino Nanjou
芹沢蓮華 (voice)
Mutsumi Tamura
楠明日葉 (voice)
Misaki Kuno
藤宮桜 (voice)
Hiromi Igarashi
南ひなた (voice)
Noriko Hidaka
八雲樹 (voice)
Hitomi Harada
朝比奈心美 (voice)
Emiri Kato
綿木ミシェル (voice)
Ibuki Kido
千導院楓 (voice)
Rie Takahashi
ミサキ (voice)
Maaya Uchida
蓮見うらら (voice)
Aoi Yuki
サドネ (voice)
Ayaka Fukuhara
御剣風蘭 (voice)
Ari Ozawa
神峰牡丹 (voice)
Shizuka Itoh
イリス (voice)
Tomokazu Sugita
先生 (voice)
Nyaruko: Crawling with Love!
7.3B&B zoekt Lief
0.0Flesh 'n' Blood
6.0Unnatural Pursuits
6.0Lip Sync Battle UK
3.0The Airport: Back in the Skies
7.0George Carlin: Personal Favorites
10.0Las normas de la Biblia
9.0Wedding Planner SWEET Delivery
10.0Paradise Descendants
5.0The Great Warrior Wall
8.5Wolverine Versus Sabretooth: Reborn
4.0Europe Outside Your Tent