Crow's Blood
As science is growing ever closer to the taboo field of regenerative medicine, a mysterious new student named Maki Togawa begins attending the International Dolly Girls' College. Soon after, a series of strange and horrific events occur in and around the school, seemingly in the proximity of or due to new student Maki.
As science is growing ever closer to the taboo field of regenerative medicine, a mysterious new student named Maki Togawa begins attending the International Dolly Girls' College. Soon after, a series of strange and horrific events occur in and around the school, seemingly in the proximity of or due to new student Maki.
Maki Togawa
Anna Iriyama
Aoi Nojiri
Mayu Watanabe
Kaoru Isozaki
Jurina Matsui
Shinobu Matsumura
Yuki Kashiwagi
Mai Utsui
Yui Yokoyama
Chisa Furugōri
Rena Kato
Keiko Yodogawa
Mion Mukaichi
Nami Katayama
Yuria Kizaki
Hikari Yanaka
Takahiro Miura
Takeshi Sawada
Tetsuya Bessho
Doctor Akihito Seto
Cristina Valenzuela
Maki Togawa (voice)
1 Litre of Tears
7.8The Real Housewives of New Jersey
6.1Ghost Brothers
7.0Exterior Night
7.8Jake 2.0
7.2Degrassi High
8.5Krieg vor Gericht - Die Jugoslawien-Prozesse
8.0The Knife and the Sword
7.8Love Island
5.9Teen Mom 2
6.4Detroit 1-8-7
6.5The Poor, Rich Family
7.6Truth Be Told
7.7Ghost Adventures