McCallum is a British television series that was produced by STV Productions. Dr Iain McCallum was the original lead character, played by John Hannah. McCallum was a forensic pathologist who traveled by Triumph Motorcycle, and solved murders. The character had romantic involvements with two of the other principal characters, Joanna, and later Angela. The last episode did not include McCallum and Angela as the story stated that they had taken jobs in America. They were replaced by Dr. Dan Gallagher and Dr. Charley Fielding.
McCallum is a British television series that was produced by STV Productions. Dr Iain McCallum was the original lead character, played by John Hannah. McCallum was a forensic pathologist who traveled by Triumph Motorcycle, and solved murders. The character had romantic involvements with two of the other principal characters, Joanna, and later Angela. The last episode did not include McCallum and Angela as the story stated that they had taken jobs in America. They were replaced by Dr. Dan Gallagher and Dr. Charley Fielding.
8.0Money Heist
8.2Station 19
8.2Doom at Your Service
7.9The Umbrella Academy
8.4Selena + Chef: Home for the Holidays
9.7Better Call Saul
8.7Control Z
8.2Alchemy of Souls
8.5Love Alarm
7.8Because This Is My First Life
8.2Locked Up
8.0It's Okay to Not Be Okay
7.1Daughter from Another Mother