Sudden Master
After her estranged father’s unexpected death, Alex Cheng unwillingly becomes the heir to his Martial Arts School. She is faced with the titanic task of defending her family’s legacy in an underground competition.
After her estranged father’s unexpected death, Alex Cheng unwillingly becomes the heir to his Martial Arts School. She is faced with the titanic task of defending her family’s legacy in an underground competition.
5 Episodes
After inheriting her estranged father’s Kung Fu studio and his feud with the MMA Daggers, Alex stubbornly issues a challenge. In her first round against a massive boxer, does Alex have the strength to succeed?
November 8, 2015Alex is caught between two worlds, having to balance her responsibility for the studio with the expectations of her personal relationships. Will Alex learn to economize her energy, or be taken out by the MMA double team in the second round?
November 8, 2015As her training with Eric reveals his unexpected sensitive side, Jude questions her commitment to their relationship. Forced to make some tough decisions, Alex must master her instincts to defeat a shadowy ninja in third round.
November 8, 2015Alex’s loss over Jude turns into rage against Eric. Distancing herself from everyone, Alex is forced to face a deeper pain – her father’s death. In the penultimate round, Alex faces off against MMA Dagger leader, Vienna, in a deadly weapons fight.
November 8, 2015Alex, Eric and Jude take on Vienna and the Daggers in a massive final battle. Will Alex’s pure intentions be enough to defeat Vienna, or will she lose both herself and her father’s legacy?
November 8, 2015