Junjo Kirari
The 74th NHK Asadora Drama is Junjo Kirari, which means something along the lines of "pure-hearted Kirari." The story is set in Okazaki City, Aichi Prefecture in the era around the Second World War. When the story opens in 1928, the heroine, Sakurako, is a very active seven-year-old girl. Indeed, even in the first episode she exhibits her confidence and enthusiasm. But above all else, Sakurako is interested in becoming a jazz pianist, and music features extensively in the plot.
The 74th NHK Asadora Drama is Junjo Kirari, which means something along the lines of "pure-hearted Kirari." The story is set in Okazaki City, Aichi Prefecture in the era around the Second World War. When the story opens in 1928, the heroine, Sakurako, is a very active seven-year-old girl. Indeed, even in the first episode she exhibits her confidence and enthusiasm. But above all else, Sakurako is interested in becoming a jazz pianist, and music features extensively in the plot.
Aoi Miyazaki
Arimori Sakurako
Shigeru Muroi
Arimori Iso
Hidetoshi Nishijima
Suji Togo
Seiji Fukushi
Shinobu Terajima
Haruka Igawa
Keiko Takeshita
Tomokazu Miura
Kie Kitano
Nobuo Yana
Gekidan Hitori
Sansei Shiomi
Yuu Tokui
Keiko Toda
Hatsunori Hasegawa
Kazuaki Hankai
Karen Miyama
Tetsuhiro Ikeda
Kazuyuki Aijima
Seiko Takuma
Eriko Hatsune
Marika Matsumoto
Yasuko Mitsuura
Satomi Achiwa
Kazuya Takahashi
Shunsuke Kariya
Natsuko Akiyama
Rokkaku Seiji
10.0Deranged Killers
10.0Pomysłowy Dobromir
10.0Way Out
6.3Super Monsters Monster Party
10.0Robert Young and the Family
5.0Fat Dog Mendoza
7.0On Air Dekinai!
8.0Europe: A Natural History
8.0Aristotelis O Aristos
4.0Da Suisa
6.0Cellule de crise