Coffee Friends

Season 12019

"Coffee Friends” was inspired by Son Ho Jun and Yoo Yeon Seok’s “Coffee Friends” project, where they distributed cups of coffee to citizens in exchange for donations. In the show, the duo with help of Yang Se-Jong and Choi Ji Woo, they will run a cafe located in a tangerine farm on Jeju Island, and they will donate the profit to a charitable cause in the end.

4 Videos

COFFEE FRIENDS 무모함과 무리수로 뭉쳤다?! 네 친구의 귤밭 기부 카페! 190104 EP.1


COFFEE FRIENDS 꿀잼 조합 커피X귤X친구들! 역시 새해에는 ′커피 프렌즈′! 190104 EP.1


COFFEE FRIENDS 유연석, 손호준, 최지우, 양세종! 추운 겨울을 잊게 해줄 따뜻한 카페♡ 190104 EP.1


COFFEE FRIENDS 어서옵서예~ 제주 귤밭 브런치 카페 '커피 프렌즈'입니다! 190104 EP.1
