Godhand Teru
The story revolves around a young man named Mahigashi Teru. When he was young, his father, a brilliant surgeon, died in an accident, but not before saving Teru's life. As a result, Teru also aims to become a great surgeon like his father, devoted to never letting a patient die. As a clumsy newcomer at his hospital, he seems to be an unlikely savior. But whenever a patient's life is in danger, his true powers emerge in the form of his "god hands," allowing him to successfully perform even the most difficult operations.
The story revolves around a young man named Mahigashi Teru. When he was young, his father, a brilliant surgeon, died in an accident, but not before saving Teru's life. As a result, Teru also aims to become a great surgeon like his father, devoted to never letting a patient die. As a clumsy newcomer at his hospital, he seems to be an unlikely savior. But whenever a patient's life is in danger, his true powers emerge in the form of his "god hands," allowing him to successfully perform even the most difficult operations.
Un sur 2
7.5HairStyle, The Talent Show (Italia)
8.0The K2
7.5Inside Death Row With Trevor McDonald
8.0Find Yourself
7.6Are You Human?
8.2Anna Karenina
5.8Seven First Kisses
6.3La Filière
8.0Zabawy Bolka i Lolka
8.0Three Men Go to Scotland
4.0Emigration XD
7.0Counsel Culture
6.0Win, Lose or Draw
6.0Ryoma Forever
6.0True Hero
9.0Yukemuri Sniper
5.0Go Go Squid!