Legend of the Mystical Ninja
A god of unparalleled evil lurks at the edge of the Game World. This vile creature, Makuamuuge, declares a revolt against the Game World and sends his loyal and steadfast foot soldiers into the Human World to unleash his master plan. Not if Goemon and friends can help it! Leaping from the virtual dimension of video games and into the world of humans comes Goemon, an energetic ninja with special abilities that draw their power from his sweet bean cakes. With his comical band of friends and the help of their 10-yearold pal Tsukasa, in whose home they live, our heroes will work hard to rid the human world of this video game menace.
A god of unparalleled evil lurks at the edge of the Game World. This vile creature, Makuamuuge, declares a revolt against the Game World and sends his loyal and steadfast foot soldiers into the Human World to unleash his master plan. Not if Goemon and friends can help it! Leaping from the virtual dimension of video games and into the world of humans comes Goemon, an energetic ninja with special abilities that draw their power from his sweet bean cakes. With his comical band of friends and the help of their 10-yearold pal Tsukasa, in whose home they live, our heroes will work hard to rid the human world of this video game menace.
Yasunori Matsumoto
Sakura Tange
Toshiyuki Morikawa
Aya Hisakawa
Kenichi Ogata
Tomoko Kojima
Tsukasa Ishikawa
Kyoko Hikami
Chika Sakamoto
Noboru's Mom
Isshin Chiba
Isshin Chiba
Tsukasa's Father
Junichi Sugawara
Chief Detective
Kumi Sakuma
Nyanko (voice)
Michael Shitanda
Hattarino (voice)
Michiko Neya
Tsukasa's Mother
Yasunori Matsumoto
Keisuke Oda
Yuri Shiratori
Yuji Ueda