Dynamic Banter
Mike and Steve aren't just comedians from Los Angeles who think they need to be on another podcast together - they're FRIENDS. What started on the 'Cloverfeels' podcast will continue here on Dynamic Banter.
Mike and Steve aren't just comedians from Los Angeles who think they need to be on another podcast together - they're FRIENDS. What started on the 'Cloverfeels' podcast will continue here on Dynamic Banter.
5 Episodes
Mike and Steve aren't just comedians from Los Angeles who think they need to be on another podcast together - they're FRIENDS. What started on the 'Cloverfeels' podcast will continue here on Dynamic Banter.
May 20, 2016This episode when from bowling to appreciating life and back again. Things got REAL deep REAL fast. This might feel like a bit of a change of pace, but hey, that's probably what 'Dynamic Banter' means.
May 27, 2016Steve is very afraid of a lady who lives in his apartment building - here's the story of that. Also it's important that you know that most of your toys are hipsters, and you can ALWAYS make new memories.
June 3, 2016Ecto Cooler was a VERY sugary drink that entered our bodies MANY times in the early 90's. Slimer from the Ghostbusters was the drink's spokesperson...which was very confusing. Slimer's image on the juice box was replaced by...some lips...in 1997 and Ecto Cooler kinda just went away, until now. Join us as we navigate this situation. ------ Every laugh and giggle in this episode is dedicated to the victims and the families of the victims of the Pulse gay nightclub shooting this past weekend. Spread as much joy and laughter as you possibly can. Make the people you love happy. Love each other.
June 14, 2016Long lost hypothetical Jesus quotes, tiny Japanese foods, putting dogs into pianos, and making things for the outer-net. Leave your phone at home, it's Dynamic Banter!
June 30, 2016