Ikebukuro West Gate Park
The story revolves around 20-year-old Makoto, who frequently gets involved in highly dangerous situations, usually against his own judgment. Along for the ride are his best buddies Shun, Masa, and Takashi, the enigmatic leader of a local gang in Ikebukuro.
The story revolves around 20-year-old Makoto, who frequently gets involved in highly dangerous situations, usually against his own judgment. Along for the ride are his best buddies Shun, Masa, and Takashi, the enigmatic leader of a local gang in Ikebukuro.
Kentaro Kumagai
Makoto Majima (voice)
Koki Uchiyama
Takashi Ando (voice)
Reiou Tsuchida
Kyoichi Ozaki (voice)
Subaru Kimura
Hiroto (voice)
Natsuki Hanae
Isogai (voice)
Chiaki Kobayashi
Masaru Taniguchi (voice)
Ayumu Murase
Mitsuki Fujimoto (voice)
Tarusuke Shingaki
Minoru Tamotsu (voice)
Kensho Ono
Kuro (voice)
Ryohei Kimura
Saru (voice)
Junichi Suwabe
Zero-One (voice)
Kenjiro Tsuda
Shadow (voice)
Takahiro Sakurai
Reiichiro Yokoyama (voice)
Nobuyuki Hiyama
Yoshioka (voice)
Yuhko Kaida
Makoto's Mother (voice)
Sirius the Jaeger
6.9Mashiroiro Symphony: The Color of Lovers
6.4Magatsu Wahrheit: Zuerst
8.5Rick and Morty
8.7Squid Game
7.9The Sopranos
8.7Chainsaw Man
8.0The Boys
8.5Buffy the Vampire Slayer
8.1Tokyo Revengers
8.5The Expanse
7.9The Croods: Family Tree
7.2The Mandalorian
8.4Danny Phantom