Sons and Daughters

Season 11974

Sons and Daughters is a 9-episode 1974 CBS series launched from the pilot television movie called Senior Year. The show is set in California during the middle-1950s and portrayed the trials of life for two young people β€” Jeff, portrayed by 24-year-old Gary Frank and Anita, played by 17-year-old Glynnis O'Connor. The program, which contained adult themes, was cancelled and replaced in December 1974 with a variety program starring singers Tony Orlando and Dawn. It was crushed in the ratings by Michael Landon's Little House on the Prairie, which ran in the same time slot on NBC.


Sons and Daughters is a 9-episode 1974 CBS series launched from the pilot television movie called Senior Year. The show is set in California during the middle-1950s and portrayed the trials of life for two young people β€” Jeff, portrayed by 24-year-old Gary Frank and Anita, played by 17-year-old Glynnis O'Connor. The program, which contained adult themes, was cancelled and replaced in December 1974 with a variety program starring singers Tony Orlando and Dawn. It was crushed in the ratings by Michael Landon's Little House on the Prairie, which ran in the same time slot on NBC.

First Aired
September 11, 1974
Last Aired
November 6, 1974
1h 0min