Animal Cops: San Francisco
Animal Cops: San Francisco is an American documentary reality television series that premiered in 2005 on Animal Planet. The program follows ten Animal Care and Control investigators and two full-time police officers in their work in preventing and prosecuting animal cruelty in San Francisco, California. The series, which premiered in 2005, is part of an umbrella rotation of shows known collectively as "Animal Planet Heroes". This show has not yet aired in the United Kingdom, where Animal Cops: Houston and Animal Cops: Detroit have become popular with viewers.
Animal Cops: San Francisco is an American documentary reality television series that premiered in 2005 on Animal Planet. The program follows ten Animal Care and Control investigators and two full-time police officers in their work in preventing and prosecuting animal cruelty in San Francisco, California. The series, which premiered in 2005, is part of an umbrella rotation of shows known collectively as "Animal Planet Heroes". This show has not yet aired in the United Kingdom, where Animal Cops: Houston and Animal Cops: Detroit have become popular with viewers.
4.5Ihlamurlar Altinda
8.9Avamposti – Dispacci dal confine
8.0My Sister Skipped a Grade
9.0Rumiko Takahashi Anthology
7.2Her Desire
10.0Royal Nirvana Special
9.0Shingo Mama Drama Special: OH-HA Saves the World Vol. 1
10.025 Words or Less
6.7The History of Hungary
10.0Step By Step
6.8Gary the Rat
6.5Three Meals a Day: Fishing Village
8.1Love is Madness
8.0One: Kagayaku Kisetsu e